Dry Grass Mix
SKU: 1628
- These mixes will thrive on slopes and well-drained uplands
- Mature plants will range from 2 to 4 feet tall
- Suitable for dry Midwestern soils (not for desert climates)
- 6 varieties per packet 3.2 oz (±50,000 seeds)
- Each package contains enough seed to plant 1,000 square feet
We recommend seeding the Grass mix (#1628) along with the Wildflower mix (#1627) to better maximize prairie diversity and inhibit weed pressure. Best sown in Spring or Late Fall.
Varieties are subject to change. SSE reserves the right to substitute a similar variety in case of shortage or crop failure.
Item Details
Formulated for Seed Savers Exchange by our neighbors at Shooting Star Native Seeds.
Grasses Included:
Confirm the varieties in this mix are safe for your state/region by visiting the USDA National Invasive Species Information Center
Aquatic Plants or Terrestrial Plants
Grasses Included:
- Slender Wheatgrass
- Sideoats Grama
- Blue Grama
- June Grass
- Little Bluestem
- Rough Dropseed
Confirm the varieties in this mix are safe for your state/region by visiting the USDA National Invasive Species Information Center
Aquatic Plants or Terrestrial Plants